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Working with FITS Data


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do I access the data in FITS files?

  • Understand how a FITS file is structured and how to determine the contents of a FITS file.

  • Print and access keyword information in FITS headers.

  • Read FITS data tables and read and plot FITS image data.

FITS File Structure

The Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) is a digital file format which can be used to efficiently store tables or multi-dimensional data arrays, such as 2-D images. It was designed for astronomical data, so it includes many features optimised for use with such data, and is the most common digital file format in use in astronomy. The sub-package allows you to read, manipulate and write FITS formatted data, so that in combination with other Python and Astropy functions you can easily work with and analyse astronomical data.

FITS files are organised in a particular way:

In this episode we will look at how to use to determine the structure and contents of FITS files, and how to read in data and metadata (‘header’ information) from them. It is also possible to write new FITS files, or edit existing ones. We will not describe this here but you can find out more via the official documentation for here.

Let’s take a look at the FITS table file associated with this Episode, (you can download it here). This file contains a large table of data for more than 900 000 galaxies observed as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). First we will open the file and look at it’s HDU structure:

from import fits

gals ='')
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU       4   ()      
  1                1 BinTableHDU     67   927552R x 25C   [I, J, I, 5I, E, E, 5E, I, I, 19A, 6A, 21A, E, E, I, E, E, E, E, E, E, 3E, 3E, 5E, 12A]   

We can see that the file consists of two HDUs, the primary (which in this case has no data attached) and a table (which consists of 927552 rows and 25 columns). The Cards value lists the quantity of card images which make up the header for the HDU and consist of a keyword name, a value and an optional) comment. Before we move on, we’ll take a look at the header of the primary HDU, HDU[0], which consists of 4 cards:

SIMPLE  =                    T /Dummy Created by MWRFITS v1.6a                  
BITPIX  =                    8 /Dummy primary header created by MWRFITS         
NAXIS   =                    0 /No data is associated with this header          
EXTEND  =                    T /Extensions may (will!) be present       

For this particular file, the primary header is just a standard placeholder, which needs to be present but doesn’t convey any useful information. Other types of FITS data file may contain more extensive primary headers, e.g. containing important information about the observation (telescope, date, sky location) used to take an image or spectrum.

In case you want to look at the value or comment associated with a keyword:

Dummy primary header created by MWRFITS

Returning to our list of HDUs, we see that HDU[1] has a more extensive header (with 67 cards) and a set of dimensions (927552 rows and 25 columns) and data formats corresponding to the table dimensions and the formats of the data in the columns therein.

Working with FITS Table Extensions

Now we’ll look at the table extension HDU[1], which contains the data. It’s useful first to look at the names and formats of the columns we have, using the .columns method:

    name = 'PLATEID'; format = 'I'
    name = 'MJD'; format = 'J'
    name = 'FIBERID'; format = 'I'
    name = 'PHOTOID'; format = '5I'
    name = 'RA'; format = 'E'
    name = 'DEC'; format = 'E'
    name = 'PLUG_MAG'; format = '5E'
    name = 'PRIMTARGET'; format = 'I'
    name = 'SECTARGET'; format = 'I'
    name = 'TARGETTYPE'; format = '19A'
    name = 'SPECTROTYPE'; format = '6A'
    name = 'SUBCLASS'; format = '21A'
    name = 'Z'; format = 'E'
    name = 'Z_ERR'; format = 'E'
    name = 'Z_WARNING'; format = 'I'
    name = 'V_DISP'; format = 'E'
    name = 'V_DISP_ERR'; format = 'E'
    name = 'SN_MEDIAN'; format = 'E'
    name = 'E_BV_SFD'; format = 'E'
    name = 'ZTWEAK'; format = 'E'
    name = 'ZTWEAK_ERR'; format = 'E'
    name = 'SPECTRO_MAG'; format = '3E'
    name = 'KCOR_MAG'; format = '3E'
    name = 'KCOR_MODEL_MAG'; format = '5E'
    name = 'RELEASE'; format = '12A'

The formats I, J, E and A denote respectively: 16-bit integers, 32-bit integers, single-precision floats and characters (i.e. single elements from a string). The digits N in front of a letter format identifier show that that quantity is an array with N elements (if an integer or float) or a string with N characters. (note that short descriptions of the column data are given on the SDSS galaxy data webpage here).

To access the table data itself, we use the .data method:

gal_data = gals[1].data

The resulting array gal_data is a numpy record_array: a type of structured array that can have its columns indexed either with their field name (which is simply the column name) or by giving the field name as an attribute (suffix after the record array name). E.g., to use both approaches to print out the redshifts:

[0.02127545 0.21392463 0.12655362 ... 0.16735837 0.11154801 0.22395724]
[0.02127545 0.21392463 0.12655362 ... 0.16735837 0.11154801 0.22395724]

The usual indexing and slicing can then be used to access the rows of the column, e.g.:

[0.1314682  0.00628221 0.04809635 0.08410355 0.09024068]

Printing a specific item for one of the quantities that is listed as an array type, will give an array:

[18.97718  18.35391  18.052666]

Plotting an image from a FITS file

Image data in FITS files takes the form of a 2-dimensional array where each item corresponds to a pixel value. For example, let’s look at a FITS image of the famous Horsehead nebula. You can find it in the Lesson data directory here). We’ll first open the file and look at its structure:

horsehead ='HorseHead.fits')
Filename: HorseHead.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU     161   (891, 893)   int16   
  1  er.mask       1 TableHDU        25   1600R x 4C   [F6.2, F6.2, F6.2, F6.2]   

The image here (with dimensions 891\(\times\)893 pixels) is in the primary HDU (HDU[0]), while HDU[1] is a table with 1600 rows and 4 columns (we won’t consider this table further here). To plot the image, we can use the special matplotlib function imshow, which is designed to plot values from 2-D arrays as an image, using a colour map to denote each value. We will assume a basic grey colour map here, but a wide range of different colour maps are available (you can check the matplotlib documentation for details). To indicate how values map on to the colour map, we also include a colour bar with the plot.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

image_data = horsehead[0].data # Get the data associated with the HDU, same as for a table

plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray')


The image is plotted in terms of the pixel position on the \(x\) and \(y\) axes. Astropy contains a range of functions for plotting images in actual sky coordinates, overlaying coordinate grids, contours etc. (e.g. see the documentation for the astropy.wcs and astropy.visualization sub-packages).

Key Points

  • FITS files can be read in and explored using the sub-package. The open command is used to open a datafile.

  • FITS files consist of one or more Header Data Units (HDUs) which include a header and possibly data, in the form of a table or image. The structure can be accessed using the .info() method

  • Headers contain sets of keyword/value pairs (like a dictionary) and optional comments, which describe the metadata for the data set, accessible using the .header['KEYWORD'] method.

  • Tables and images can be accessed using the .data method, which assigns table data to a structured array, while image data is assigned to an n-dimensional array which may be plotted with e.g. matplotlib’s imshow function.